Program User Guide


Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\ANA.jpg


The purpose of the program;

Units used in Ford-brand vehicles (such as; PCM,BCM,ABS,RFA,IPC) any one of them is changed, ensure that it becomes compliant by coding them and correct the error in the vehicle security system PATS…

Otherwise, in the event of vehicle battery failure, all the original ECU should be encoded again.

That will occur in the vehicle electrical failure, with each other the system can forget about encodings.

Our goal is coded them again bring it back.

The pats security system in the ECU, varies by vehicle model.

For example; Focus3 in the model, a key system in regular PCM.BCM.ABS must be encoded.

Proximity to key in the system which is the same model, PCM.BCM.ABS.RFA must be encoded.

In addition, you can make transaction like key coding and erasing.

You can find detailed description of the unit and the list of vehicles in the below.

The execution of the program is very simple.

First of all; we're going to do encoding the vehicle, all units individually by connecting find the code then is to provide an encoding system by pressing program re-install .

The program is open-close will alert.

After you follow the instructions of the program, all units will be encoded.


For example; we will work on coding the car like normal switched FOCUS3 1.6 diesel car.

There is a SID807 EVO PCM in 1.6 diesel vehicle (if it's not the ecoboost).

Coding units to be done are PCM.BCM and ABS..


The procedures for PCM, respectively;





BV61 SID807 EVO select..

Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\ANA.jpg

Press the Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\start tuşu.jpg on the right


After the connection is established, you will see the information of the vehicle on the main screen.


Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\bcm.jpg


After the connection occurs, press the PCMCODE Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\pcm code.jpg on the left side.


When you see the code avaible sign in the process, the code means can be found and used.


Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\code calculated.jpg

The procedures for BCM, respectively;





BV6N select..



Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\bcm seçme.jpg


Press the Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\start tuşu.jpg on the right


After the connection is established, you will see the information of the vehicle on the main screen.

Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\bcm.jpg


After the connection occurs, press the BCMCODE Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\bcm code.jpg on the left side.

Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\BCM YE DEVAM.jpg

Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\BCM YE DEVAM 1.jpg


When you see the code calculated sign in the process, the code means can be found and used.

Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\BCM YE DEVAM 2.jpg

The procedures for ABS, respectively;




ABS select..


Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\ABS.jpg


Press the Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\start tuşu.jpg on the right



After the connection is established, you will see the information of the vehicle on the main screen.

Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\ABS DEVAM.jpg

After the connection occurs, press the ABSCODE Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\ABS CODE.jpg on the left side.When you see the code avaible sign in the process, the code means can be found and used.

Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\ABS DEVAM 1.jpg

After you have found the codes in all units, press the Module Re-install Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\module re install.jpg button.

The program will direct to you.

The most important issue to consider while coding this: you must be sure the vehicle's battery is fully charged.

If the vehicle battery support on the outside with an extra battery, the system will work without errors.






Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 1.jpg

Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 2.jpg



Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 3.jpg


Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 4.jpg


Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 5.jpg



Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 6.jpg


Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 7.jpg



Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 8.jpg



Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 9.jpg


Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 10.jpg

After programming is finished, units in the system will be checked whether the codes are correct.If a unit has not received the code,the program will notify you.

Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\MODUL 11.jpg

if you receive any coding error in the units, you can repeat by pressing the Açıklama: C:\Users\asus\Desktop\M A R T         2 0 1 6\pdf hazırlamak için dosyalar\NEW FOCUS MODULE REINSTALL\module re install.jpg modul re-install button .













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